Bought my first single in 1969....."Sugar Sugar" by The Archies!!! I continued collecting rather a cross section of music until my best friend bought me "Burn" by Deep Purple for my eighteen birthday!! That was it....I became a life long "rocker" from then on!!
Best of The Electric 80's with Gordon Cooper
On tonight's show the classic album is Bob Marleys Exodus
Classic oldies with a oldie Gordon Cooper
Oldies with a Oldie playing classic tracks covering the 50's,60's,70,and 80's with Gordon Cooper
One Hit Wonders with Gordon Cooper
Classic Rock Covers with Gordon Cooper
Famous Rock's Rock today's theme 60's rock with Gordon Cooper
The crazy world of the 1 Hit Wonders with Gordon Cooper
Fantastic memories from the day's of Glam the Sensational 70's with Gordon Cooper
Swinging though the magical 60's with Gordon Cooper